Thanks for your interest in Flaherty Physical Therapy. Reach out specifically to Kevin Flaherty, PT, CSCS, Owner and Chief Mojo Officer (click here for my email) to see if there are employment opportunities available.
We talk to many, but only hire a few. Kind, compassionate, helpful and likeable are all attributes that are extremely important in the hiring process. Also having good knowledge of computers, the web and social media are very important.
Our work environment is very important to our success. The following is what sets us apart at Flaherty PT:
- Affinity. Affinity is your ability to be liked or disliked. Having a great ability to have our clients like you is extremely important.
- Trust. When our clients trust you, their comfort level increases and their ability to attain their treatment and life goals increases.
- Be Memorable. When you are good, people remember you. How great is it for a client to request you as a therapist? That’s what they do when they call us back.
- The Norm Factor. Do you remember the 90’s show, Cheers? Norm was a character on the show. He would come in an everyone would yell, “NORM!!!!” He would have a funny one liner, and the show would go on. Flaherty PT is a place where “everybody knows your name…” Kind of like being at home.
- The WOW Factor. This is when you have an amazing experience in life. You never forget it. You were treated well, you had amazing service and you got what you wanted. You feel like you had good VALUE. It is my goal for every client coming in to feel the WOW at Flaherty PT.